About Melitta

I grew up in Europe where art was a mandatory subject in elementary schools. From childhood on, my parents and teachers recognized the artist in me. Encouraging me to show off my drawings, even if it meant drawing my paintings with chalk on chalk boards or on the pavement. Out door art gained a lot of spectators back then.

Whenever I was in art class, kids gathered around asking me to help them with their projects. I sure gained a lot of friends. Helping them develop their skills in exchange for other subjects I could not master easily.

Later on, when deciding on a profession, I chose a position that was highly paid but nothing would reveal my God given talents.

After coming to the US, I applied to work for a major newspaper company in hopes I could land a job that needed my skills. While I knew those jobs were hard to get into, I kept trying year after year. Ten years later I went to work for IBM at their largest “THINK tank” called the Computer programming center in the Coyote Valley. At first I worked in all the technical areas of this division, but always had a love for art. A few years later the era of personal computers emerged and so was a need for graphic designers along with web developers. It was very easy to land a job in that department. I even became their main webmaster and taught other co-workers new skills. This was definitely the route to go and for many years, up to my retirement, it became the love of my entire working career.

Opportunities for creating a small business that I could do from home was definitely my goal. At first, I designed web sites for small companies around the Roseville area Ikedas in Auburn, CA was one of them. I also have a small side business restoring old photos.

While traveling through western US and Canada, I came upon a wonderful Artist on Whidbey Island, I so admired her art work on silk Scarf’s. It didn’t take me very long to transfer my skills from working on the computer to working in my studio on a stretched out Silk Scarf hooked into a frame and drawing beautiful designs as you can see right before you. One year later, I found Karen Sistek, a very famous artist known all over the US. She is featured in many Magazines, Newspapers and even the Smithsonian in D.C. Her Flowers are from the Heart. Each one of them is a Master piece. I had the privilege to take classes from her for 4 days up in Port Angeles and this year for another 4 days. Creating silk wall hangings which I also now feature on my web site. watch me make a scarf. If youlike to learn how to create beautifully designed scarfs, come and see me.

Meanwhile I have published my own book in memory of my parents. The title of my book is “Hey Kids, Want Some Chocolates”. You can order it in any book store or order it from me directly. Click here: www.HeyKidsBook.com  My compelling personal story from WWII never revealed before until now.

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